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This is a website of peace.

Gaming Reviewer Recommendations

Videogame critics critique videogames. By seeing how these masters of their craft use critical thought and analysis to talk about a game at a very deep level,
we can too learn how to think Big Brain Mode like them.
Plus who wants to spend all their time watching intense Drama, True Crime, Thriller, Action, The News, etc. That stuff gets stressful with the constant high stakes.
Sometimes it's just more relaxing to listen to a nerd gush about some game you're never going to play for 6 hours.


haha when dunkey says spagetti and meatballs I laugh so hard every time. His video donkeykongdecember is an absolute banger.

Accursed Farms

Ross is a guy who reviews old computer games that are hard to run, and 100x harder to beat. Arguably, Ross has suffered harder than most gamer to bring us peak kino. Thanks Ross!
All his videos are great. His review of Deus Ex is excellent.


Tim Rogers, ex Kotaku journalist, 43ish years old, lived in Japan for 10 years. Game journalist his whole life. He left Kotaku in 2020 to produce his own gaming review video series ACTION BUTTON.
Start with his first video, his review of Final Fantasy 7 remake.
The first time you watch him you'll probably hate him. but how many times have we met someone we first hate, only to find them a fine and forever friend?
Unironically, Tim Rogers is the Weeb King of videogame reviews and is definitely not a narc.

Running Shine

Running Shine is a small group of 22ish year olds who saw all these awesome game reviewers, and wanted to make more of the same.
Running Shine's review of YIIK is the most absolute brutal roast of a videogame I have ever seen in my life. I highly reccommend their content. True indies frfr.


Seth is sick in the head. Don't judge me for recommending him. All videos of his are good videos.

Mandalore Gaming

Not all Mandalore videos are as fun as others. Most are honest game reviews. However, his reviews of Limbo of the Lost, Mystery Of The Druids, and Anonymous Agony are God-tier level reviews. Very funny!

Fun Random Channels!

OKI's weird stories

I reccomend all of Oki's videos. He makes solid independent documentaries. A great place to start are his best videos The King Of Stolen Valor,
The Man Who Trolled A School Board, and his video Hiroo Onoda on one of the last Japanese holdouts from after WW2 is very
illuminating on the psyche of the common Japanese person during the 20th Century Japanese Imperialist Expansion into Manchuria, Korea,
Vietnam, Indonesia, and beyond.

Vagrant Holiday

This is some Seattle Punk who travels Europe sleeping in a sleeping bag. He's good. Really good. But not as good as the King...

Bald And Bankrupt

KING THE KING Bald (Benjamin) travels Eastern Europe in search of Soviet Bus Stations, Murals, and Spaceships! Join Bald on his adventure across the globe and learn all about the planet we all share together!


Okay cool it's been two years and you've finally watched all the Bald And Bankrupt videos twice. Now you need another youtuber
who will fill the hole in your soul, a hole only Benjamin can fill! Sabbatical is here to bring you even more globe trotting content.
And the best part is he isn't annoying and pretty cool.

Like Baldy, he seems mysterious and weird but he talks about his life in his videos and once you get to know him, he's pretty dope.

Internet Historian

Internet Historian will tell you tales of Internet History. He's a good guy. A+

Don't Hug Me I'm Scared

Go in blind. Watch DHMIS theory videos after experiencing the whole series. This is 2014 youtube at its peak. A+ ...yeah its weird.

Sam O'Nella Academy

Sam makes interesting videos about random stuff. He doesn't really upload anymore. His next video is scheduled to air in 2025.

Casually Explained

He casually explains things. Lot of funny jokes that'll make you go HAHAHAHAHA. very cozy

Scott Onslott's Secrets In Plain Sight

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: Secrets In Plain Sight is an awe inspiring exploration of great art, architecture, and urban design which skillfully unveils an unlikely intersection of geometry,
politics, numerical philosophy, religious mysticism, new physics, music, astronomy, and world history.

Exploring key monuments and their positions in Egypt, Stonehenge, Jerusalem, Rome, Paris, London, Edinburgh, Washington DC, New York,
and San Francisco brings to light a secret obsession shared by pharaohs, philosophers and kings; templars and freemasons;
great artists and architects; popes and presidents, spanning the whole of recorded history up to the present time.

As the series of videos reveals how profound ancient knowledge inherited from Egypt has been encoded in units of measurement, in famous works of art, in the design of major buildings,
in the layout of city streets and public spaces, and in the precise placement of obelisks and other important monuments upon the Earth, the viewer is led to perceive
an elegant harmonic system linking the human body with the architectural, urban, planetary, solar, and galactic scales.

(ED:It's 3 hours but it's one of the most informative videos you will ever watch.)

Historia Civilis

Historia Civilis goes incredibly in depth into Roman History, specifically Roman politics and wars. If you watch all his videos you will walk away with a rich and deep understanding
of Roman history. You can either start at the beginning, or I would recommend starting with his playlist 'Julius Caesar' to get a feel for his content before diving into the other content.


Daniel goes into videogames and trolls people in the game. It's really funny most trolling channels are mid but this guy is an artist at the peak of his craft. I love the video Iron Chef Daniels.

Don't forget to check out his other channels they're more of the same great content.

Random video lightning round

Good Podcasts

Dan Carlin's Hardcore History

Dan Carlin is some old Texas dude who really really likes history. He's probably better at talking about it than anybody else. I highly recommend hispodcasts on World War 1,
The Assyrians, The Vikings, And the series Supernova In The East. If you have any interst in WW2 Pacific theater combat I highly reccomend that last one. Not all of his podcasts are free
but they are well worth the money.

Mysterious Universe

Benjamin and Aaron have hosted the MU podcast for over 16 years now. Between them they have read over 1,300 books about UFOs, ghosts, bigfoot, wizards and other paranormal phenomenon.
This is hands down the BEST podcast about aliens and the supernatural. Signing up for MU Plus is worth it I've been a subscriber for 4 years now listen to it at least 5 times a month.

Some episodes are better than others so if you're bored with one skip to a different one.

Fall Of Civilizations Podcast

This guy talks about the rise and fall of ancient and not so ancient civilizations. He speaks very softly and makes nice soundscapes that relax and immerse the listener.
There are also videos on his youtube that have visuals that add to the presentation.

Drifting Off With Joe Pera

Joe Pera has a show on Adult Swim called Joe Pera Talks With You. It's relaxing and nice unlike literally every other show made ever. Go watch it you will love it.

Okay now that you have watched all 3 seasons of the Joe Pera television show, you can now listen to the Drifting Off With Joe Pera podcast.

Well that's all for now. Maybe I'll add more later, maybe I'll delete all this someday, so you might want to copy and paste this somewhere.

Good luck out there!


